A number of our churches in the Jacksonville Baptist Association are participating in Saturate First Coast this September. In conjunction with this evangelistic effort, we are providing SWARM Gospel Conversations Training to enable persons delivering packets in neighborhoods to start gospel conversations with people they encounter.
This training is biblical, simple, reproducible, and economical. The training centers around your 15-second testimony (My Story) followed by presenting the gospel using the 3-Circles (God’s Story). If your church is interested in hosting one of these training events, please email Mike Reed at mreed@jaxbaptist.org.
There are four Participating Churches with Saturate First Coast that are hosting gospel conversations training in the following locations:
Beaches, Central, South Central, and Westside.
Their goal is to simply come alongside churches and prepare them for distribution, Saturation, sharing the Gospel and follow-up!

For more information about Engage Jax, visit: