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Church Leaders – Email Back Your Schedules ASAP

Please email back your Saturate schedules: the ones you know now, and the ones you will create throughout the coming weeks. We want to get them on the September calendar for possible filming.



Cameras, phones, photos…we can use it all! When your teams shoot video, have them ask people questions on camera and get people to say how excited they are! We will give instructions on how we will collect it shortly. Choose Media Captains to be in charge of making sure your Saturate story is being recorded and told!

**Tell your camera operators to shoot on 24 Frame, if possible. 4K preferred if cameras can shoot it, 1080 is fine as well.

Record your Testimonies & Email them Back

We want to know all of the wonderful things that are happening! Have follow-up meeting where your teams are sharing what God did out in the communities. Record that excitement on camera if possible. Choose someone to be in charge of writing up short testimonies to email back to us so we post them on social media and the website ASAP!

Make PDF Copies of your Maps

CRITICAL! Please make PDF copies of your maps so that you have them for the Follow-up Phase of Saturate! You are going to need these as your Zip Code Team leaders to strategize together with follow-up strategies moving forward.

 REPORT your Completed Maps

Please follow the email instructions on each map and report to the Saturate USA’s email (not to us). This is very important so Saturate USA can show that your census block has been saturated.

Zip Code Prayer Captains & Church Prayer Leaders

Prayer Captains should be communicating with the Participating Church Prayer Leaders, and help them develop their scheduled prayer events, such as: prayer walks, group prayer meetings, conference call prayer meetings, etc.

Also, start planning your monthly organized Zip Code Prayer event where all church prayer teams and intercessors can come together in one, unified Zip Code Prayer Event. Please communicate back to us when your prayer events will take place. We want to help you promote what God is doing in your zip code the best we can.

Immediate Prayer Needs

Adoption of remaining zip codes: we have 8 left in Duval, Clay and St. Johns. Zip codes in Nassau county only have 1 or 2 churches participating, as well as some in Clay and St. Johns. Please see the Interactive Zip Code Map to see this visually. Pray that God would help those churches build out church coalitions fully so that each church has 1000 or less households to saturate and follow-up with.

Pray for divine appointments for your neighbors, your neighborhoods, divine appointments of conversations and salvations, your saturate teams, the materials, John 17 unity in the churches, the Holy Spirit’s divine leading, your volunteers to be awakened to revival through these experiences, etc. ….and so much more to pray about!

Plan your Zip Code Celebration Gatherings

Saturate has given us a platform for building and strengthening relationships in our zip codes as we share the gospel in our neighborhoods. You have all worked hard to build your Zip Code Team’s John 17 prayer and gospel movement, so let’s keep this fire burning brighter and longer as we move into Phase 2 of follow-up.

To that end, it’s very important to plan a Zip Code Celebration gathering with all of your participating churches in one location to share testimonies, fellowship, worship and pray for God’s next strategies for your unified Zip Code battle plan moving forward.

Plan your Zip Code Follow-up Strategy Meeting

As each zip code is nearing 100% saturation, each Zip Code Team’s participating church and prayer leaders should be planning the next strategy meeting.

Discussions should focus on results of Phase 1, do assigned census block maps work well for each church’s saturation and upcoming follow-up goals, and/or does there need to be any reassigning of the maps moving forward for any church’s follow-up goals. Creative ideas in reaching every family should be explored, as well as a schedule or timeframe in implementing those ideas in to the Phase 2 plan of Saturate First Coast.

Zip Code Captains

Help facilitate the Celebration and the Strategy Meetings, and stay in good contact and in tune with the needs of all of your Zip Code Church/Team Leaders.

Hashtags: #SaturateFirstCoast, #FirstCoastUnited

When you upload your media to Facebook and Instagram, we want to find you! Please use hashtags: #SaturateFirstCoast, #FirstCoastUnited

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