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Prayer Leader Roles & Next Steps

Participating Church Prayer Leaders

  1.  Develop your church’s Saturate Prayer Team to cover your church’s Saturation and follow-up efforts.
  2. Coordinate and lead your church’s Saturate prayer events: such as neighborhood prayer walks, organized morning or evening on-location prayer gatherings.
  3. Communicate scheduled events, testimonies and praise reports to your Zip Code Prayer Captain to be featured on
  4.  As a Church Prayer Team, attend the unified Zip Code Prayer Movement events scheduled by your Zip Code Captain for corporate prayer.

Zip Code Prayer Captains

  1. Have a scheduled time to pray for, communicate with and encourage the Church Prayer Leaders in their local Saturate church efforts.
  2.  Coordinate and lead your Zip Code Prayer Movement in a monthly prayer event with all Saturate Prayer Teams in your zip code, such as: an organized morning or evening on-location prayer gatherings, phone conference /dial-in prayer call.
  3. Communicate scheduled events, testimonies and praise reports for your zip code to the Saturate First Coast Leadership Team/Regional Prayer Leader to be featured on
  4. Help to build short-term and long-term strategic prayer strategies with your Regional Prayer Leader.

Regional Prayer Leaders

  1. Have a scheduled time to pray for, communicate with and encourage the Zip Code Prayer Captains in the 2-4 zip codes you are overseeing in your region.
  2. Help to build short-term and long-term strategic prayer strategies with your Zip Code Prayer Captains for a sustainable First Coast Prayer Coalition.
  3. Communicate strategies, progress, prayer needs and praise reports for your zip code to the First Coast Prayer Coalition Core Leadership Team

Regional Prayer Map

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