Strategize Follow-up with your Church Partners in your Zip Code
Your Saturate First Coast Maps are Key
Bless Every Home and Transformation Jacksonville has a unique partnership with churches who are adopting their zip code and census block.
Saturate USA will be sending free zip code neighborhood maps, divided into census blocks, to every church who has signed up to adopt their zip code alongside other churches.
All First Coast Participating Churches who adopt zip codes can receive free customized reports of First Coast neighborhoods in that detail where your current congregation may be a part of that community – known as a Cluster Analysis. This would be strategic in using with your other zip code partners to develop your follow-up strategies.
If you and your church are interested in receiving a free customized report of your Saturate First Coast maps to help plan your overall zip code strategy with your partnering churches, please sign up and we will connect with you on the next steps!

Would you like more information how to receive your free Cluster Analysis for follow-up strategies?
You can sign up now.