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Free Resources to Reach your Neighbors

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English & Spanish Engagers

Every Home for Christ is offering free English and Spanish Engagers for all Participating Churches of Saturate First Coast.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus not only spoke about what we should do, He also showed us how by His own example. But what does that look like today? Because the Gospel ultimately is about engaging hearts to God’s story, Every Home For Christ designed what they call Engagers.

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PLEASE NOTE: Engagers are ordered in packs of 500. If you are ordering 2000, you will need to put in four orders.

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"Who Is He" Spanish Version

The “Who is He” tract is also available in Spanish. For FREE SHIPPING, please use the PROMO CODE to remove the $10 cost:  EHC$10

Free Devotionals and Children’s Books

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An anonymous foundation is pleased to gift their resources to ministries and efforts that God has called them to support. Their desire is to provide hope and encouragement by providing free Christian resources for distribution within the United States. The foundation is not affiliated, nor does it have any relationship with any of the publishers or authors of any of the books it distributes.

To order books and schedule a time to pick up books, contact:

Dianne Rigby, 904-571-7464

Resource Location:
G&S Warehousing, LLC
3333 N. Canal St., Unit 3, Jacksonville, FL 32209

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The available books for your neighborhood outreaches