First Coast United Radio Show
8/17/19: Saturate First Coast Prayer Coalition
Saturate Leaders Mick Richards, Dianne Rigby, and Ben Goldsmith, along with Prayer Leaders Sylvia Walker & Andrea John, discuss the launch and vision of the Saturate First Coast Prayer Coalition…with a surprise guest!

The Vision
We are believing God for a mighty work in the First Coast! We have an unprecedented opportunity in this season of Saturation to come together and partner with the heart of God in covering every neighborhood in every zip code with prayer.
The goal of the Saturate First Coast Prayer Coalition is to develop dedicated prayer teams for all 56 zip codes in the 4-county scope in preparation for the September 7th Launch. These teams would cover the Participating Churches, the Saturate Teams’ evangelism efforts, and our First Coast neighborhoods in intercessory prayer…eventually leading into an on-going, sustainable First Coast Prayer Coalition.
What is intercessory prayer?
Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking hold of God’s will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. Intercession is warfare — the key to God’s battle plan for our lives. But the battleground is not of this earth.
The Bible says, “We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and spiritual powers in the heavens above” (Eph. 6:12). Intercessory prayer takes place in this spiritual world where the battles for our own lives, our families, our friends and our nation are won or lost.
The Strategy
The strategy is to group 56 zip codes into 18 Prayer Regions according to geography and number of households. Each Prayer Region would have a Regional Prayer Leader covering 2-4 zip codes.
Each zip code would have an individual Zip Code Prayer Captain who will work with Participating Church Prayer Leaders within that zip code.
These Leaders would work together in a coordinated effort to develop each zip code’s Saturate Prayer Movement, and ensure the neighborhood prayer strategies are carried out, documented and shared on FirstCoastUnited.org.
The Result
Once the infrastructure, teams and leaders of the Prayer Coalition are in place, the First Coast will have a sustainable prayer covering for months and years to come. Churches and believers will be able engage in long-term neighborhood reaching strategies and develop relationships while being completely covered in an on-going, unified First Coast Prayer Movement. This is the kind of John 17 unification that the Lord has promises to bless.
Roles & Descriptions
Participating Church Prayer Leaders
- Develop your church’s Saturate Prayer Team to cover your church’s Saturation and follow-up efforts.
- Coordinate and lead your church’s Saturate prayer events: such as neighborhood prayer walks, organized morning or evening on-location prayer gatherings.
- Communicate scheduled events, testimonies and praise reports to your Zip Code Prayer Captain to be featured on FirstCoastUnited.org.
- As a Church Prayer Team, attend the unified Zip Code Prayer Movement events scheduled by your Zip Code Captain for corporate prayer.
Zip Code Prayer Captains
- Have a scheduled time to pray for, communicate with and encourage the Church Prayer Leaders in their local Saturate church efforts.
- Coordinate and lead your Zip Code Prayer Movement in a monthly prayer event with all Saturate Prayer Teams in your zip code, such as: an organized morning or evening on-location prayer gatherings, phone conference /dial-in prayer call.
- Communicate scheduled events, testimonies and praise reports for your zip code to the Saturate First Coast Leadership Team/Regional Prayer Leader to be featured on FirstCoastUnited.org.
- Help to build short-term and long-term strategic prayer strategies with your Regional Prayer Leader.
Regional Prayer Leaders
- Have a scheduled time to pray for, communicate with and encourage the Zip Code Prayer Captains in the 2-4 zip codes you are overseeing in your region.
- Help to build short-term and long-term strategic prayer strategies with your Zip Code Prayer Captains for a sustainable First Coast Prayer Coalition.
- Communicate strategies, progress, prayer needs and praise reports for your zip code to the First Coast Prayer Coalition Core Leadership Team

Join the Movement!
Saturate First Coast Prayer Coalition
Core Leadership Team